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Da Reaper Mindset

Do not bow down to those who know nothing of who you are. You approach the table with the confidence of a lion and move through life like a shark. Forward. It is your mind that is tested when you are under stress, but you can't complain forever about how you have been in stress when you have done nothing to change it. Or deal with it directly. It is your WILL to thrive and operate on a higher frequency that will guarantee the success you dream of. Your energy can be either drained or heightened based off of who you meet. But regardless, my mind now does not care for what people say, because any remark that goes against what I do, I won't waste time to tell them have a great day. I don't entertain the negative message of thinking what I do will not work. Either you in or out, no in between. Don't involve feelings too much because it won't matter when life continues and you deal with the same issue or hardship over again. Living in America comes great opportunity, but it's a cost that can make it seem unfair. Work consistently to the highest level you can in order to cause a separation from your old ways to broaden your new way of living and thinking. Don't be afraid to excel, and don't be afraid to start over from scratch to open more opportunities for you and your family. Now do you want it or not? Only time will tell based off your persevering mentality to act on them.

-Osiris Da Reaper

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