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Dominate Your Comfort Zone

Never be scared to get out of your comfort zone. If you haven't it's ok, but there are going to be moments in your life where you are going to have to expand your experience and step out of your comfort zone. If you let your mind and body settle for too long, you would be operating on auto pilot at that point without taking the extra mile to reach your goal. Your ambitious desires can't be executed if you do not know how to do handle stress. This is why I have so much respect for people that work in environments that can get really stressful, but they do not budge to show their emotions because they are just trying to get it done. Practicing to approach and talk with professionalism requires you to be sharp along with dealing with the individual you are speaking to. Every individual you approach won't be the same, people have different life experiences so your comfort to talk to casual and calm people are going to be tested. Which is why you don't QUIT your path to your journey, simply because removing yourself from the comfort zone builds your value to face any and everything that is thrown your way. Do not let the media, your parents, or anybody else ever tell you that your dream is too big or small. DOMINATE THE SPECTRUM AND BEWARE YOUR SUCCESS. Got a project to work on, God Bless, and we will talk soon.

-Osiris da Reaper

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